Tuesday, August 5, 2008

MMA Gear

In my last post I mentioned creating a website for MMA gear. I'm not selling any MMA gear on my website but I am using affiliate programs to advertise for other companies on my website. Its a great way to bring together lots of MMA gear from different companies on one page, not to mention I get a referral payment lol. But seriously I've been going around the web and have been finding lots of great websites with affliate programs, I've been signing up for them all and putting their products online. You can check them out at
JJMM Sales is a side project I've been working on, playing with e-commerce because I've never did it before, but the MMA section is all affliated. Please enjoy.
To make things ALOT easier on people who want to order a variety of MMA gear that don't wanna give their payment info to more than one website, i've been designing an Amazon Store, I've been adding gloves, hand wraps, fight shorts, books, dvds, gis, and more. This will allow anyone to order all of their MMA needs from Amazon.com and makes it easier to find them. To check out my Amazon Store click HERE!!!

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